In this article, we’ll show you how to add a key for VW Touareg 2005 when all key lost.
We’ll use Orange 5 to read immo data, load it into VVDI2 Key Programmer to prepare a dealer key, and write new dump file back into immo by Orange 5 again.
Step 1. Read EEPROM
Remove immo box.
Locate EEPROM 93C86.
Desolder the chip and put it into EEPROM adapter of Orange5.
On Orange5 software,
Select “EEPROM” “ST” “M93C86”.
Read and save immo data.
Step 2. Prepare Dealer Key
On VVDI2 software,
Select “Euro” “VW” “Touareg” “Kessy-93C86”.
Press “Load EEPROM dump” to load dump file we just got.
Put new key into coil.
Select key position, click “Make Dealer Key”, and select “PCF 7936(PCF 7946)”.
Success, and save new file.
Step 3. Write back Data
On Orange5 software,
Load new file and write it back to immo.
Restore chip and immo.
Start the car with the new key.
Alright, that’s how Touareg 2005 AKL programming using Xhorse VVDI2 & Orange5.