In this article, we are going to show the process of Mercedes W202 C-class 1996 AKL programming. The original only has one button.
Orange 5
FBS X MBE Calculator
Step 1.Read immo data
Remove immo box.
Connect chip to orange5 by adapter and soldering.
Read immo data.
Solder chip back to immo box.
Step 2.Generate Key File
Run FBS X Calculator.
Load immo data file.
Generate file.
Step 3.Write File to Key
Desolder key chip.
Put chip into eeprom adapter and connect adapter to VVDI PROG.
Write key file to key.
Solder chip back to key.
Remote works and car starts.
Credit to schluesseldienst_muzler_de
Done! That’s how to program Mercedes W202 1996 when all key lost.