VVDI MB Tool can support renew EIS ,and renew EIS not only need erase password but also key
password.VVDI Benz renew EIS process is: Input correct key password and erase password, renew 2nd hand EIS to a new one. Attention: Only support under IR mode.
1.Get Erase Password and Key Password.
Now search erase password have about nearly 100% success rate. We are building a new server for erase password.
Clikc “Get” in EIS tools,then searching,wait for the result.And it shows “Activated” with tick on.
Get erase password successfully.It display the Erase Pass.
Key Password:
1.1.can get the key password from working key and EIS(online).CAN protocol EIS all support password calculation (support BGA keys and other NEC keys).
1.2.We also support calculate password for NEC v51, v57 keys. No soldering.
1.3.VVDI MB BGA Tool Password Calculation way.
2.Renew EIS via IR way.
From OBD way,you can see “Renew EIS” is grey color can not press.Use IR way is OK.
After get key password and erase password,and IR way,choose chassis,click “Renew EIS”.
Insert IR adapter to car.Take Off and insert again if already insetered.
Erase EIS successfully.
3.Renew successfuly.You can read EIS again,it will display the status.
Activated is tick off status.As well as the key pass,erase pass,VIN.
VVDI MB Tool Renew EIS of W204/W207 Video: