VVDI Key Tool plus is new tool, and we will share how to use vvdi key tool plus to program BMW CAS4 key via OBD way, and use with BMW CAS4 platform.
1.Start VVDI Key Tool plus,choose IMMO.
2.Choose EU area and BMW car brand
3.By system, and then choose IMMO BMW CAS4
4.Choose key function
Click start.
5.Choose OBD way.
6.Read key info firstly.
Key info read OK.
7.Porgram cas4/cas4+
8.Click yes to continue, recommend Fast mode, click yes to continue.
9.Read the code, then save.
11.Program OK, use OBD way to make dealer key or reset KM.
12.Put original key into BMW CAS4 platform coil,the led light flash.
13.Make dealer way via Ignition switch
14.Choose key position.
15.CAS4 is identified as encrypted type automatically,please choose encrypted type to make new key.
If before 2012 year,choose no, after 2012 year,choose yes.
16.There is one working key, use the key into coil and ignition on,click NEXT,.
17.checking original working key
18.Original key info.Then press OK to continue.
19.Put new key into coil.click OK.
20.Key learn finish.
21.Test new key OK.