Xhorse condor xc-mini plus 2 is the most powerful key cutting machine from Xhorse, can support motorcycle keys, dimples keys with dimple cutter. And this blog we will share one review from customer about the plus 2 can’t calibrate height error
hi i have condor xc mini plus 2 cutting machine problem
updated machine latest version
and cant calibrate height
gets error cant see probe
when really needs to see cutter
just done a coneectivity test
when touchse probe to clamp with a key blade both probe and cutter light up
Please do like the guide:
1 , Remove those those screws for take off machine screen
2, Pull out the whole motor to expose the whole motor case and remove those screws to take off motor case
3 , After remove the motor case , the cable which related conductivity it will expose , please check if that cable has any damaged
4.This cable go though whole mian motor, one side connect with led bar and one side connect with probe base ,for remove that cable it need to remove the cable socket and then pull it out from bottom led bar side
5.Loosen the fixing screw of the conductive wire as shown above and remove the LED lamp cover.
6.Remove the three fixing screws, note that there are three black plastic parts on the screws, do not lose them.
7.Check if the four wires are broken or if the screws are tightened.