VVDI2 Mini Remote Programmer is a accessory of VVDI2 Commander Key Programmer.
In previous,customers need to buy separately with 29USD,now xhorse factory changes the policy,add the VVDI MINI Remote Programmer into package list already.From now on,if you buy VVDI2 commander,no need to pay extra for VVDI Mini Remote Cable.
1.But how about customers before who bought only VVDI2 Commander?
Please do not worry,Xhorse offer super benefits for our customers:Please contact us online skype:xhorsevvdi.com or send us email:sales@xhorsevvdi.com or Faceboook,online chat all OK,if you bought from us before,send us your order number,email address,we will send you this Mini Remote Cable free.
2.VVDI2 Mini Remote Programmer Changed to Cable type
Old VVDI2 MINI Remote Programmer is like this one
But now,it is like this: