VVDI Programmers vs. Autel KM100, Lonsdor KH100+, KD-X2

Today we’ll compare two VVDI Programmers with other brands, to see the differences between them.

We’ll cover:

VVDI Key Tool Max

VVDI Mini Key Tool

Autel KM100

Lonsdor KH100+



Lets see their differences:

Function/Item VVDI MAX VVDI MINI AUTEL KM100 Lonsdor KH100+ KEYDIY KD-X2
vvdi-programmers-vs-autel-km100-lonsdor-kh100-kd-x2-1 vvdi-programmers-vs-autel-km100-lonsdor-kh100-kd-x2-2 vvdi-programmers-vs-autel-km100-lonsdor-kh100-kd-x2-3 vvdi-programmers-vs-autel-km100-lonsdor-kh100-kd-x2-4 vvdi-programmers-vs-autel-km100-lonsdor-kh100-kd-x2-5
Generate Remote
Garage Remote X
Remote Clone X
Transponder Read&Clone
Generate Transponder
Frequency Test
Immobilizer √(need MINI OBD) X X X
ID/IC Clone X
Unlock Key X
Unlock Toyota Smart Key
Ignition Coil Detection
Remote Simulation X X X X
Transponder Simulation X X
Write via Dump X X X X
Collection Test X X X X
Key Charging X
ID48/ID48 96bit Clone X X


In addition,

1)On Transponder Simulation,

VVDI programmers don’t support key emulator.

KM100 supports ID46 47 48 49 4A 8A; KH100+ supports 4D 46 48 47.

2)Only Key Tool Max supports Write via Dump.

3)Collection Test means

When there is a problem with remote, collect FSK ASK EEPROM frequency, and send them to technicians for analysis

4)VVDI MAX needs to activate ID48/ID48 96bit Clone function by generating 10 VVDI Remotes



From above we could see, VVDI Mini/Max tends to be less like a complete key programmer, but it could be a daily tool working with other programmers. For example, generate remote by VVDI Mini/Max, and program chip by programmers; read data by programmers, and load it into VVDI Max to prepare a dealer key.



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