VVDI Prog CAS3 0L15Y flash read times we received the feedback that Centrino processor @ 1.6ghz Windows XP = 12mins;Core2 Duo processort @ 2.5ghz Windows 7 32 bit = 5 mins;i7 @ 4.4ghz Windows 7 64 bit = 2mins 30 seconds. XhorseVVDI will display VVDI Prog Read CAS3 0L01Y detailed steps.
1.Start VVDI Prog software,and choose the detailed “BMW CAS3 OL01Y” type.
2.Connection Diagram.
3.Please do the wring like the diagram shows,and not forget to check every connection.
4.EEPROM,click “Read”.
5.Save the data you have read.
6.Flash.Click read again.