In this article, we’ll show you how to program a VW Passat 2013 when all keys lost.
We’ll desolder the chip, read it by VVDI PROG, and make a key by VVDI2 via the dump file.
Part 1. Read the chip
Firstly we desolder the 95320 chip and put it on the EEPROM socket.
On VVDI PROG Programmer app, select “1-EEPROM&FLASH” “ST” and “M95320”.
Read and save the dump file.
Part 2. Prepare a new key
Enter VVDI2 transponder programmer, enter “Immobilizer Data Tool”.
Select “Euro” “VW” “Passat”.
For comfort module type, we have ID48 or HITAG.
We don’t know it is ID48 or ID46, so we choose the first: Comfort ID48 – 95320.
Then we load the dump file, and it will give us an error if the type is incorrect.
We’ve got the PIN code and key information, so the type is right.
The select key position put a new ID48 chip in the key slot, and select “Make Dealer Key”.
As the prompt, save the new file because we need to write it back.
Back to VVDI PROG Tool app,
Open the new file and write it back to the module.
Part 3. Verify the chip
Back to VVDI2 Full transponder programmer,
Load the new file.
Here we can see the 4th key is already occupied.
Then we read the key chip by VVDI Key Tool.
The key ID is exactly the same as key info on VVDI2.
Restore the module and the key should start the car normally.
Credits to REY DIAZ.
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