VVDI MB Tool Renew EIS Key Password Error

VVDI MB Tool Renew EIS process we introduced in previous blog,and here we share “key password or erase password all 0 or not filled continue” error solution.


As we know,renew eis,need erase password and key password,if you get password error like following:

renew-eis-key-password-failed-1 renew-eis-key-password-failed-2

From the error pic,we can see key password is all 0,you need get key password firstly,then input into it.

How can get key password:

1.VVDI MB BGA Tool support get key password by password calculation.Meanwhile,if you have VVDI MB NEC Key Adapter, support read v51 v57 key password directly.For detailed steps,you can check blog:

How to use VVDI MB BGA to read Benz V57 Key Password?

2.get the key password from working key and EIS(online)(support BGA keys and other NEC keys).

VVDI MB BGA Tool Read Benz W211 Password Successfully

3.Password Calculation

How to Use VVDI MB Get Benz W204 W212 Key Password?

In 3rd way,may use vvdi mb tool tokens,XhorseVVDI also sells VVDI MB Tool Tokens,5 tokens 160USD,after you purchase tokens,provide us your vvdi benz serial number is OK.

Sales xhorsevvdi.com