VVDI MB BGA Tool support benz w906 by OBD/IR way,for details,you can check our previous blog. If both OBD and IR way failed,you can use VVDI PROG read Benz W906 eeprom dump file,and VVDI MB Tool prepare key file,add new key.
1.VVDI PROG Programmer Read EIS W906(ST12) Dump File
Run VVDI PROG Software and choose right type.
Wring Diagram
After connect well,click read.
Read successfully,save the EIS data.
2.VVDI MB Prepare key file and write new key.
Prepare key file,then choose Load the EIS file which is read by VVDI PROG.
Tick off the version,just leave the right version.Then click “Prepare key file”.
Save the key file data.
Read/Write Key.Identification the key firstly.
Load key file.
Write key.
Wirte data succes,then check the new key you write.