2003 vw gold AKL and Xhorse VVDI key tool plus did the job perfect, generated remote, read CS and programmed 2 keys.
2003 is a really old VW immo system. You don’t need the CS. Only need the pin code. A lot of tools also seem to have been fading on support of the older stuff. I was kind of surprised because a lot of makes and models they only have the newer cars in the menu to choose from.
I’d like to share my using experience with VVDI key tool plus, any good?
I’ve had the key tool plus now for a couple weeks.
Although it falls short of what xhorse claims, but I knew that when buying it, went thru the same thing with key tool max when it came out, now it’s a pretty good tool.
The menu is laid out differently then what I am used to, but once u learn ur way around the tool it is alot easier.
A few things I have noticed that it does better than the autel im608 is pin code reading, with key tool plus when I go to read the pincode it pulls the pin code pretty darn fast, the im608 takes several minutes and many times u have to try to pull pin several times before it will pull the pin.
Also noticed on a few ford’s that I have done that when it went for the 10 min security access procedure alot of times it will bypass that and leant keys.
So far I like the key tool plus, as long as they continue with the updates to solve the issues this tool will be a great tool to have.