How VVDI MB TOOL calculate W204 W207 password only 18 mins?

Do you know you can calculate Mercedes W204 W207 EIS password in only 18 minutes? No longer to wait 2.5 hours! How? Use VVDI MB TOOL Plus VVDI MB TOOL Power Adapter!


VVDI MB Tool read Mercedes W204 W207 all key lost EIS password in 18 minutes

Additional tool you need: VVDI MB BGA TOOL Power Adapter

It’s same as before to use VVDI MB TOOL Power Adapter to read W204 W207 password, just save you lots of time!


  1. Use VVDI MB TOOL Power Adapter to connect VVDI MB TOOL with car EIS according to the diagram.

How to connect VVDI MB TOOL Power Adapter with VVDI MB TOOL and EIS module?


  1. Open VVDI MB TOOL software, first to read and save the EIS data: Click “EIS Tools”→ “Read EIS data”→ “Save EIS data”→ Save the EIS bin file.
  2. Click “Password Calculation”, check the box “Select this if lost all working key” at right upper corner.
  3. Select chassis “W172, W204, W207” then click “Data Acquisition”. (Without VVDI MB TOOL Power Adapter you need to wait about 2.5 hours for Data Acquisition!)
  4. According to the instruction: Connect EIS with correct cable on bench and don’t connect ESL with cable…
  5. Then you will successfully calculate MB W204 W207 password, just wait about 18 minutes!

