VVDI Key Tool,VVDI Max,VVDI MINI,VVDI2 can support ID48 96bit clone function,and each time online calculation will cost 100 bonus point,or 1 token. In Xhorse App,we can see the points easily.Some customers want to know how to check how many tokens of ID48?
Please confirm your VVDI series device are combined with your Xhorse account.
Check Xhorse App main page,then click Account
Then click Combine device
In Combine info,it will display the token,as well as the points
Or when you use ID48 function online,it will display too.
VVDI MINI is free with one token free everyday one year.
VVDI MAX,you can get points from xhorse remote key,wire key 25 points,wireless key 40 points,smart key 60 points.
Or can purchase ID48 token from us:http://www.xhorsevvdi.com/wholesale/1-Token-for-VVDI2-VVDI-Key-Tool-96-bit-ID48-Copy.html