For ID48 transponder clone, it needs your vvdi key tool plus, key tool max, max pro, vvdi mini, bind with xhorse account , or it will have error
5000_Please use the Xhorse App to bind the device to the current login account before calculating
Then here is the step about how to bind key tool max with xhorse account
Firstly check whether you bind before or not
Check in Main Page>>Account>>Combine device
Combined device will display the device you already bind
It shows key tool max not bind yet
It has “combine device option” in the down corner
Choose KeyTOOL MAX
But key tool max will show:
Login device, select device information-combine device to bind
Back to key tool max page, and choose device info
Then in the page, choose “combine device”
Click “send”, you will receive the code in your phone text, input the code, finish the process.