Condor MINI bind with VVDI MB Tool can get one token free everyday.But one Condor mini only can bind with one vvdi mb tool.And please note that we have more requirements for binding of condor mini and vvdi mb. (Get New Xhorse Condor XC-Mini Plus Key Cutting Machine)
1. How to get free BGA Token for your VVDI MB Tool or Key Tool Plus?
You must provide your Customer ID information (Passport, Driving license etc)VVDI MB Tool/Key Tool Plus serial number, Condor master series serial number in one photo just like following pic.
Please note:
1.1. Condor mini serial number,many customer send us the number on the feet of machine,that is not serial number,you can start your machine check on screen or on your manual,serial number formate is like KM03*******. Dolphin series,condor series similar KM*****. Some manually key cutting machine has MK******
1.2. One xhorse key cutting macine can bind with one vvdi mb or key tool plus, can not bind again.
1.3. Manually key cutting machine need to send us the Digital Signature code.
1.4. The bind is operate by the dealer you bought from. Or send the photo to us.
2. How to get 2 free bga token?
If you have one xhorse automatic key cutting (like condor plus2, condor mini plus, dolphin xp-005l, dolphin xp-005), and one manually key cutting machine (Like dolphin xp-007,xc-002 pro), then can get 2 free tokens.
After bind, your VVDI MB Tool/Key Tool Plus can have one token free everyday.