VVDI2 BMW CAS4 Via OBD “Unknown CAS4 Status” Tips

VVDI2 full support BMW CAS4/CAS4+(XEP100 series, 5M48H/1N35H) type with OBDII,and we received customers do BMW E series car models,but got “Unknown CAS4 Status”just like the following pic:

This version not belong to CAS4 5M48H/1N35H


vvdi2-cas4-obd-fail-2 vvdi2-cas4-obd-fail-3


Please remove the CAS,use VVDI Prog read the eeprom data,VVDI2 prepare key file,then add new key.

VVDI2 CAS4 OBD way support CAS4/CAS4+ 5M48H/1N35H at present,thanks.


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