VVDI2 BMW CAS4 OBD Program BMW F10 Key Review

VVDI2 BMW CAS4 OBD support XEP100 series, 5M48H/1N35H, and v6.6.8 version can support new function Fix CAS4(5M48H) no start: This function can fix car start after success unlock CAS4 or after add new key.

And we received customer feedback that:

Use with VVDI2 BMW via OBD way to program CAS4 BMW F10 successfully,but when test the new key,did the second option make dealer key with ignition.Also nothing but then when clicked on get key info the new key appeared. But still nothing. Original key working OK.


Please use ISN  to do key learn.

Option “prepare dealer key with programmer” option isn



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